Everyone at A Place In The Garden sends their heartfelt wishes to you and your families during this difficult time. It is a strange and frightening situation to find ourselves in, but we are all in it together.
Even though the RHS Chelsea Flower Show has been cancelled this year, we are very much continuing to develop new products and putting the final touches to the show garden, which we intend to open as soon as the situation has resolved. Whilst we are self isolating we should make the most of catching up with all those jobs in the garden, putting in to practice all those much talked about schemes.
Should you wish to order anything for your home or garden during this time or need some advice please rest assured we are open as normal .We are at the end of the line for help, advice and a chat at any time. So that we can respect the recommended social distancing, we are working remotely most of the time, so if you can’t get us on the phone we are always on email and promise to respond as soon as we can. Our delivery services are still working to help get orders out as quickly and safely as possible to you.
Book Five is our latest addition to A Place In The Garden. Over the last twelve months we have been designing and creating a selection of new products for the 20/21 season.
We hope you enjoy our new catalogue and we wish you, your family and friends all the very best in these unprecedented times,
Best Wishes,
Jane, Richard, Sam & Ben